Saturday 16 May 2015

EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Can someone throw confetti into the air because it's really time for a celebration! Finally Year 1 is over and I can take a break before starting work!

So due to this wonderful moment, I have decided to introduce Butao to you guys! Perhaps some of you already know about this ramen chain, and can we all agree that this is one of the best ramen chain stores in Hong Kong?!

If you don't know about Butao, no worries, let me introduce it to you. ;)


So first of all, Butao is a ramen store that allows you to customise your ramen however you like. There are different soup bases and toppings to choose from, but of course, the more you load on, the more expensive it will be!

At Butao, there are 5 different soup base:
1) Butao King - tonkotsu pork bone broth 
2) Black King - tonkotsu squid ink broth
3) Red King - spicy, miso broth
4) Green King - basil, pesto and parmesan cheese broth
5) Limited Edition/Special - it changes from time to time

After choosing your soup base, you can decide what toppings you want to include, such as vegetables, pork (belly or butt), etc. You can also decide how much infused oil you want in your ramen, and how hard you want your ramen to be! I really like Butao because you can really do whatever you want to your ramen, it's entirely up to you!

However, for me, I like things simple. I went for the Butao King soup base, with little infused oil, pork belly, vegetables (both cabbage and fungus), and I chose my noodles to be cooked as normal - not too hard, not too soft. 

The thing about Butao is that their pork belly is very succulent and bursting with flavour. Although there's some fat on it, which can make it hard to chew, I have always enjoyed their pork belly because of its flavour. It's something that I have not seen before in other restaurants or ramen stores, so this one caught me a little by surprise.

The broth that Butao offers is also very unique. Their broth is thick, quite thick compared to other stores where it's just watery soup. However, despite it being thick, it did have a lovely fragrance and the taste was very strong. I definitely enjoyed the broth here at Butao, I usually finish the soup after polishing all the toppings and noodles. :)

All in all, I feel that Butao is a great ramen chain, and everyone should definitely try this at least once. Each time I go to Butao, there seems to be a big crowd of people waiting, otherwise if there's no queue, the restaurant is usually jam packed. Of course, this is all based on my personal preference, but I have been to Butao with a couple of my friends, and we did enjoy the ramen so... I hope you will too! 

Customised Butao King
$85 for Butao King, other broths or soup bases may cost more depending on what you pick. Don't forget that toppings do cost quite a bit, so watch it!

Value for Money: 

中文: 沙田沙田正街18號新城市廣場一期1樓167號舖
English: Shop 167, 1/F., New Town Plaza, 18 Sha Tin Centre Street, Sha Tin 

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