Monday 9 February 2015

Hi everyone!

I went to Nabe One for lunch today with a few of my college peeps. The lunch set is relatively cheap, about $75 per head for an hour (or more if there's no crowd). We stayed for 2 hours, so I guess you can say it was worth it. To be honest, it was quite disgusting towards the end because we saw a huge cockroach, and it wasn't even crawling. It was actually a jumping/bouncing cockroach... Yikes!

Nabe One buffet table, a wide range of choices!

There was a wide range of choices at Nabe One, from vegetables to noodles, from fishballs to sausages. The ingredients/foods are rather fresh so that's a good thing as well. I have to admit that the choices given at Nabe One is quite impressive and there are lots and lots of vegetables so it's quite vegetarian-friendly. :)

Ramen, zucchini, enoki mushrooms, cheese sausages, Korean rice cakes, konnyaku, etc.
The beef was really fresh, and it was tender after being cooked. There are certain times when you "accidentally" overcook beef, and in this case, it happened many times. However, the beef didn't turn hard and tough to chew although it was probably cooking for 20 minutes. There wasn't too much fat in the beef - quite acceptable, and the beef was just great and I couldn't stop ordering it.

Free flow of beef!
Pork, where would I be without pork? The pork was also very good, though there's slightly more fat on it compared to the beef. The pork was also very fresh and tender; usually pork meat would get a bit tough if cooked for too long, but it wasn't in this case. Highly recommend ordering the pork and beef combo if you love meat as much as I do!

Free flow of pork as well!
The Kombu seaweed soup base is vegetarian-friendly. I don't recommend eating the seaweed inside the broth though, it doesn't taste that great. It's not your usual Japanese seaweed that chefs place in bowls of ramen, it's a different kind of seaweed. Anyways, the soup base was clear and it is rather tasteless if you don't dip the foods in your mixed sauces. I don't recommend this one, but this is one of the vegetarian choices, so if you're vegetarian, go for it! If you're not then please, don't try this soup base.

Kombu seaweed soup base!
The next soup base that my peeps and I shared is the salmon soy milk. This one gets quite disgusting after a while, and because it's full of white liquid, it can be very difficult to find the food in the soup, so you really have to go digging for it with your chopsticks and ladle. It didn't really have a taste either, I didn't taste any salmon or soy milk for that matter... I definitely wouldn't recommend this one either; I believe my friends and I got quite sick of this soup base at the end of our "da bin lo" session.

Salmon soy milk soup base!
And there's dessert! Yes they have 4 flavours of ice cream and froyo there! From what I remember, there's matcha and vanilla ice cream, and the original and melon flavoured froyo. There is also quite a range of toppings, such as boba, nata de coco, milo balls, nuts, marshmallows, you name it!                        

My friend's original froyo, with nuts and nata de coco (first thing he got once we reached Nabe One).
So this was my dessert! I got the matcha froyo and topped it with boba (multi-flavoured), cornflakes, nata de coco and milo balls!

Matcha ice cream with different toppings.
I should feel bad for getting two bowls of froyo/ice cream, but nah! So this one is just the original froyo topped with milo balls. I love milo balls so much, I just had to get froyo with milo balls only. Also, I got annoyed when my friend stole one from me. *insert angry face*

Original froyo with milo balls.
Lunch: $58-$88
Dinner: $148-$188

Taste: ★★★★
Value for Money: ★★★☆☆
Presentation: ★★★★☆
Environment: ★★★☆☆
Overall: ★★★★☆

中文: 尖沙咀樂道32-34號1樓
English: 1/F, 32-34 Lock Road, Tsim Sha Tsui 

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