Wednesday 25 February 2015

Hi y'all! I just tried sounding Texan/Southern but that obviously didn't work. 

Finally, another post of proper food instead of desserts. xD Anyways, there's a specific area in Wan Chai, near the Renaissance Harbourview Hotel, where there's a lot of Western restaurants. A lot of white people dine there and these restaurants are usually opened by foreigners (or gweilos if you will). Usually, the shop owners who orignate from their own country will of course, open a restaurant that's following their nationality - if that even makes any sense. Such as this restaurant, The Trafalgar is a British and German restaurant, so there will either be British, German or British x German mixed people running this restaurant. You get? 

I visited this restaurant yesterday with my family and to be honest, it felt more of a pub than a restaurant. There was a section with a bar counter, with lots of tall stools and tables with a window view. I feel like I'm doing a really bad job explaining the place, and I didn't take any pictures. :( But from what I remember, the corner seats were very spacious and comfortable, and the waiters/waitresses were very kind and helpful, plus they are fluent in Cantonese and English (aye). 


Okay so first up, we have the minestrone soup with bread sticks. I was actually so used to the "Russian Borsch" in cha caan teng that I felt the minestrone soup tasted funny! Even comparing the one to Pizza Hut, I felt that it just tasted... Funny. My dad told me the minestrone soup is legit and minestrone is supposed to taste like this, since this is the first time I tried minestrone made by Westerners. Fair enough dad, you win.

The minestrone was served piping hot and it wasn't thick but it wasn't too watery either. There are a lot of vegetables and spaghetti strands in the soup which altogether, complimented the whole dish.

Soup of the Day: Minestrone Soup
British fat chips! Yes these fries are too die for. They're deep-fried, seasoned perfectly and served with Thai sweet chili sauce; they're not too oily too so that's a bonus! There are actually 4 different kinds of fries served at Trafalgar, but from the top of my head, I can only remember these fat/chunky chips and potato wedges. Anyone who loves fries/chips should definitely try this dish, and if you just like it salted ONLY then perhaps not, but in my opinion, the seasoning was done very well!

British Fat/Chunky Chips
Close up of the British fat/chunky chips.
Time for the main course!

Sole fillet with ratatouille and vegetables. Yep, ratatouille. Doesn't it remind you the movie? When I found out that ratatouille was just vegetable stew, I was a bit disappointed because I expected more than vegetables just cooked in tomato sauce LOL. 

Nevertheless, the ratatouille was bearable and it did taste okay with bits of crunchy peppers and other sorts of veggies. The broccoli served as a side was huge! Definitely looking like a tree. Oh, and the sole fillet, ah the fish of the hour. Definitely good, it was 2 & 1/2 of a fish so it was pretty big! Though it felt as though there's no taste, I never really came across a restaurant that had a seasoned sole fillet (or maybe that's just me). 
Grilled Sole Fillet with Ratatouille
Close up of the main course.
Dessert, I actually don't know it was. Perhaps it's cheesecake with whipped cream, half a strawberry and chocolate sauce. I didn't particularly enjoy the dessert because it was a bit too dry - I felt my throat getting dry after eating the whole thing! 
Drinks, you can choose what you want of course, but please avoid the coffee! I'm a huge coffee lover but the coffee was just too strong and bitter that even I couldn't take it! I take black coffee sometimes, but man, the coffee served there was just, wow. So please, if you cannot take strong coffee, I BEG you, please choose another drink! 

However, despite the unpleasant coffee, it did come with a really cute spoon! :)
Twisty Spoon
Sideview of the twisty spoon.
About $100 for a set lunch.You can check out the menu on their website: Trafalgar


Taste: ★★★
Value for Money: ★★
Presentation: ★★★
Environment: ★★★
Overall: ★★★


中文: 灣仔駱克道54-62 號博匯大廈5樓
English: 5/F, The Broadway, 54-62 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai 

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